Why Drain Valves need to Air Compressors

Drain valves are a crucial part of the compressed air system. Condensate drain valves remove condensate from the air system without losing excessive compressed air and without shutting down the system. Condensate can have harmful effects on a system when not removed. For instance, moisture can wash lubrication from air tools and production equipment causing downtime and maintenance; an inconsistent supply of dry air can cause production quality problems; and excessive rust and scale can form in the air distribution system. Also, water can back up into the compressor and wreck the machinery, air dryers can become overloaded, and in-line filters can be destroyed.

Condensation is the moisture that drops out of an air flow as it cools. The condensation in a compressed air system is a constant threat to cause expensive problems.

The typical compressed air system is designed to remove condensation at strategic locations. This means there are drains at the after cooler separator, receiver tank, air dryer, in-line filters and at drain points in the piping.

We supply very cheap price same time Good Quality Auto drain valves with under-warranty.

Auto Drain-Model

Sl Model Supply Delay-Time Pressure
1 AGAD-10 220V AC 1-60 Min 10-Bar
2 AGAD-20 220V AC 1-60 Min 10-Bar
3 AGAD-30 220V AC 1-60 Min 10-Bar
4 AGAD-40 220V AC 1-60 Min 10-Bar
5 AGAD-50 220V AC 1-60 Min 10-Bar
6 AGAD-60 220V AC 1-60 Min 10-Bar